Tandemjumps and staticline courses
Skydive Ameland was added to the family business in 2012. At that time is was operated by Peter Liemberg. The dropzone was to be the 3rd in the company.
At Ameland we use the Cessna 182P PH-OII, that seats 4 passengers and a pilot.
Skydive Ameland offers the following:
Parachute jump courses:
- Military Square: static line
Tandem parachute jumps:
- Altitude: 9000 ft.
- Handcam photo / video (de Tandeminstructor records the footage during the jump)
Business to business:
- Film en television productions
- Demo and promo jumps
- Corporate events

Skydive Ameland
Strandweg 21
9162 EV, Ballum, Ameland
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 519 554880